Liquid UI - Documentation - 20.01 Creating a class to display sales order details<br />

20.01 Creating a class to display sales order details



Learn how to display Sales Order details in a Liquid UI table by creating a class that develops a modular script to access data pertaining to a single item. We will walk you through the following steps.

    1. Add function to create a class
    2. Add a pushbutton and Liquid UI table
    3. Add a function to fetch Item details
    4. Display the Item details on the same screen

User Interface

//Create this file inside your script folder for customizing the Display Sales Order Initial screen SAPMV45A.E0102.sjs
//Now, let's add the Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.

  1. Add a function with the name Item to create a class for Item details.
    // This function creates a class for Item
    function Item(itm,mat,qty,su){
        // Attributes of the class
        this.item = itm;
        this.material = mat;
        this.quantity = qty;
        this.sales_unit = su;
        // Function used to retrieve information on Item
        this.getInfo = function(){
            return "Item:"+this.item+", Material:"+this.material+", Quantity:"+this.quantity+", Sales Unit:"+this.sales_unit;
  2. Add a pushbutton labeled Display items to execute the process fetchItems on click, as shown in the image below.
    // Only execute the following for VA03
    if(_transaction == "VA03"){
        // Pushbutton that will trigger the funciton
        pushbutton("F[Order]+[0,62]", "Display items", "?", {"process":fetchItems});

  3. Now, add the Liquid UI table to display only on the Display Sales Order screen.
      // If item_array is undefined, initialize it.
            item_array = [];
        // If the array has data in it
            // Create a table and columns
            table([16,0], [26,50], {"name":"z_table", "title":"Line Items", "rows":item_array.length});
            column("Item", {"size":6,"name":"z_item", "table":"z_table"});
            column("Material", {"size":18,"name":"z_mat", "table":"z_table"});
            column("Quantity", {"size":15,"name":"z_qty", "table":"z_table"});
            column("SU", {"size":3,"name":"z_su", "table":"z_table"});
            // Fill out the table
                z_table.z_item[i] = item_array[i].item;
                z_table.z_mat[i] = item_array[i].material;
                z_table.z_qty[i] = item_array[i].quantity;
                z_table.z_su[i] = item_array[i].sales_unit;
    This function will table scroll through the VA03 transaction and fetch the data from the table function fetchItems()
    { onscreen 'SAPMV45A.0102' enter(); onerror message(_message); enter("?"); goto FUNC_END;
    onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001'
    // Clear the value of item_array
    item_array = []; absrow = 1; enter("/ScrollToLine=&V[absrow]", {"table":"T[All items]"});
    NEW_SCREEN:; onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001' gettableattribute("T[All items]", {"firstvisiblerow":"FVR", "lastvisiblerow":"LVR", "lastrow":"LR"}); relrow = 1; NEW_ROW:; println("absrow:"+absrow+", LVR:"+LVR+", LR:"+LR); // end of table?
    if(absrow>LR){ goto END_OF_TABLE; } // end of screen?
    if(absrow>LVR) { goto NEW_SCREEN; } set("V[z_temp_item]", "&cell[All items,Item,&V[relrow]]");
    set("V[z_temp_mat]", "&cell[All items,Material,&V[relrow]]"); set("V[z_temp_qty]", "&cell[All items,Order Quantity,&V[relrow]]");
    set("V[z_temp_su]", "&cell[All items,SU,&V[relrow]]");
    // Push a new Item to the array item_array.push(new Item(z_temp_item,z_temp_mat,z_temp_qty,z_temp_su)); absrow++; relrow++; goto NEW_ROW; END_OF_TABLE:;
    enter('/ScrollToLine=1', {"table":"T[All items]"});
    onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001' enter("/3") FUNC_END:;

SAP Process

  1. Logon to SAP and navigate to VA03 (Display Sales Order: Initial Screen). Then, enter the Order number and click Display items.

  2. Now, you can see the Line Items table with the Item details displayed on the same screen, as shown below.


Next Steps

Liquid UI: Creating a Process for IW21
Learn how to create a notification with a single click.

10 min.

This article is part of the Screens combination/aggregation tutorial.

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