Liquid UI - Documentation - 20.03 Purchase Order Screens

20.03 Purchase Order Screens



Learn how to create a launchpad to navigate to various Purchase Order and Purchase Requisition screens and customize them as per requirements. We will walk you through the following steps.

  1. Delete an Activex container on the SAP screen using del()
  2. Add a group box
  3. Add six pushbuttons to navigate to various purchase order screens
  4. Add conditionalized script for the purchase order screens

User Interface

//Create these files inside your script folder for customizing the SAP Easy Access and Purchase Order and Requisition screens: SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs and SAPLMEGUI.E0014.sjs 

//Now, let's add the Liquid UI script to  SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjsfile for customizing the SAP Easy Access screen and save it.

SAP Customization

  1. Delete an Activex container on the SAP Easy Access screen.
    //Deletes an image container

  2. Add a group box named Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition to place the pushbuttons.
    //Creates a groupbox to place the pushbuttons to navigate to the purchase order screens  
    box([1,1],[7,36], "Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition");

  3. Add six pushbuttons with labels ME21N, ME22N, ME23N, ME51N, ME52N, and ME53N to navigate through various Purchase Order and Requisition screens, as shown below.
    //Creates pushbuttons that navigates you to Purchase Order screens
    pushbutton([2,3], "ME21N", '/nME21N', {'size':[1,15]});
    pushbutton([4,3], "ME22N", '/nME22N', {'size':[1,15]});
    pushbutton([6,3], "ME23N", '/nME23N', {'size':[1,15]});
    pushbutton([2,20], "ME51N", '/nME51N', {'size':[1,15]});
    pushbutton([4,20], "ME52N", '/nME52N', {'size':[1,15]});
    pushbutton([6,20], "ME53N", '/nME53N', {'size':[1,15]});

  4. Add the following script to SAPLMEGUI.E0014.sjs and save it.
    //  User Interface
    if(   _transaction == 'ME21N' || _transaction == 'ME22N' || _transaction == 'ME23N' ||
       _transaction == 'ME51N' || _transaction == 'ME52N' || _transaction == 'ME53N' ) {
       // Differentiate between Purchase Order(PO) and Purchase Requisition(PR) screens
       if(<'F[Doc. date]'>.isValid) {                                 // PO Transaction
          if(!<'F[Doc. date]'>.isprotected) {                     // Create PO Transaction
                // Create PO Interface Code goes here
                title(_title + ' - Liquid UI Screen');
                del('P[Personal Setting]');   // Toolbar Pushbutton
          } else {                                      
    // Change or Display PO Transaction if(<'P[Check]'>.isValid) {
    // Change PO Transaction // Change PO Interface Code goes here title(_title + ' - Liquid UI Screen'); } else { // Display PO Transaction // Display PO Interface Code goes here title(_title + ' - Liquid UI Screen'); } } } else { title(_title + ' - Liquid UI Screen'); // PR Transaction } }



SAP Process

  1. Refresh the SAP Easy Access screen and click on any one of the pushbuttons created to see the change in the screen title.

Next Steps

Scenario 1 - Creating a Material or a Sales Order
Learn how to create a material and create a sales order from a single screen

10 min.

This article is part of the Screens combination/aggregation

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