Liquid UI - Documentation - 4.09 Defining Multiple SAP Connections via Connection Transmitter in Server

4.09 Defining Multiple SAP Connections via Connection Transmitter in Server

In this article, you will learn how to add proxies to Liquid UI Server's configuration file (SAPProxy.ini) using Connection Transmitter.

Adding a Single Proxy

  1. Select and Right-Click on the connection in the Connection Transmitter to create a proxy in SAPProxy.ini. Then select Add Proxy.
  2. Select the SAPProxy.ini file to which you want to add proxy.
  3. A success message will appear after adding the proxy successfully to the SAPProxy.ini file.
  4. Open the SAPProxy.ini file to view the newly added proxy and adjust your proxy count accordingly.

Adding All the Proxies

  1. Select and Right-Click on the connection to create a Proxy in SAPProxy.ini. Then select Add all Proxies.
  2. Select the SAPProxy.ini file to which you want to add all proxies.
  3. A success message will appear after adding all the proxies successfully to the SAPProxy.ini file.
  4. Open the SAPProxy.ini file to view the newly added proxies and adjust your proxy count accordingly.

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