Liquid UI - Documentation - 4.11 Upgrading Server Control Panel - SynWatchdog

4.11 Upgrading Server Control Panel - SynWatchdog

Upgrading SynWatchdog

Upgrading the SynWatchdog component of Liquid UI Server aka GuiXT Server.

SynWatchdog is integrated into the latest versions of Liquid UI Server. To upgrade, please do the following:
  1. Obtain the latest version of Liquid UI Server from Synactive.
  2. Obtain the latest version of Liquid UI from the Apple App Store.
  3. Stop the existing Synactive Proxy Service on the server.
  4. Remove the Synactive Proxy Service by opening a command prompt and typing the following: sapproxy.exe -remove
  5. Copy the new SynWatchdog and configuration file to the same location as the previous version. This is usually C:\Program Files\Synactive Inc\GuiXTServer
  6. Open the SynWatchdog.ini file in a text editor and add the following lines: //Email SMTP Server AdminSMTPServer=your SMTP server name // Administrator Email Address. Use semicolon to add more than one address
  7. Install the SynWatchdog service by typing the following in the command prompt: synwatchdog.exe -install
  8. Start SynWatchdog. This will usually start the Liquid UI Server as well.

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