Liquid UI - Documentation - 13.20 Displaying Object data into Liquid UI Table

13.20 Displaying Object data into Liquid UI Table



This article shows how to display object data (e.g., in JSON format) directly in a Liquid UI Table on the SAP Easy Access screen. The following actions help visualize structured data like event logs, device info, and analytics directly in the SAP interface.

  1. Delete the image container from the SAP Easy Access screen.
  2. Add a push button to execute the process.
  3. Modify the screen title.
  4. Insert a table with the necessary columns.
  5. Add text to show the total number of events.
  6. Populate the Liquid UI Table with event data.
  7. Implement a function to extract and display event data.

User Interface

//Create the file SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs inside your scripts folder for customizing the SAP Easy Access screen
//Now, add the Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.


  1. Delete the image container on the SAP Easy Access screen using del().
    //Deletes the image container on the SAP screen
  2. Add a push button labeled Get Event Data to execute the GetEventData process on click.
    // Creates a push button to execute the process
    pushbutton([TOOLBAR],"@6S@Get Event Data","?",{"process":GetEventData});
  3. Modify the screen title to Event Data - Screen Modified using Liquid UI.
    // Adds a title
    title("Event Data - Screen Modified using Liquid UI");
  4. Add a table named Event Data with columns for the event info, like in the image below.
    // Creates a new table with the appropriate number of rows based on results length
    table([1, 1], [4, 96], { "name": "event_table", "title": "Event Data", "rows":totalRows,"rowselection":true,"columnselection":true});
    // Adds columns to the table
    column("Sl.No", { "size": 5, "name": "slno_column" });
    column("Timestamp", { "size": 25, "name": "timestamp_column" });
    column("Device ID", { "size": 25, "name": "deviceid_column" });
    column("Temperature (Sample)", { "size": 18, "name": "temperature_column" });
    column("Temperature (Alert)", { "size": 15, "name": "alert_column" });
  5. Add a text Total Count to display the total event count.
    // Creates text to display the number of events
    text([8,1],"Total Count: &V[totalRows]");
  6. Populate the Liquid UI table with extracted data.
    // Populates the Liquid UI table with the extracted data
    for(var j=0;j<totalRows;j++){
      event_table.slno_column[j] = Eventdata[j][0];
      event_table.timestamp_column[j] = Eventdata[j][1];
      event_table.deviceid_column[j] = Eventdata[j][2];
      event_table.temperature_column[j] = Eventdata[j][3];
      event_table.alert_column[j] = Eventdata[j][4];
  7. Add the GetEventData function to define the event data and process results.
    // Function to define the event data and process the result
    function GetEventData(){
       var objTaskEventList = {
        "results": [
                "type": "beacon",
                "event": {
                    "id": "a308c3f0-bf50-4180-a315-6f5f91a5decc",
                    "timestamp": "2024-10-25T15:39:21Z",
                    "deviceId": "59b0e8c2-87c4-4109-9b4c-bead14ed1f97",
                    "data": {
                        "format": "beacon",
                        "id": "DLN233301440",
                        "rssi": -46,
                        "value": "17.59"
                "analytics": {
                    "tenant": "f9339f76a7f1143dc30f587a46e09a6e",
                    "recordedTimestamp": "2024-10-25T15:39:37.618Z",
                    "resourceId": "db8597cd-6176-415c-bff4-90583a77f9a6",
                    "timestamp": "2024-10-25T15:39:21Z",
                    "meta": {
                        "data": {
                            "taskId": "3aabc8ea-00f1-4780-9256-817f024d0bd3",
                            "task_alarm": false,
                            "notes": "",
                            "assetIds": []
                    "coordinates": {
                        "global": {
                            "lat": 37.522003,
                            "lng": -121.953835
                "decode": {
                    "temperature": {
                        "sample": 17.59,
                        "deviation": 0.0,
                        "format": "celsius",
                        "taskId": "3aabc8ea-00f1-4780-9256-817f024d0bd3",
                        "alert": false
                "type": "beacon",
                "event": {
                    "id": "b32a6d08-cffc-4fd3-b1bb-06a3218a1c2c",
                    "timestamp": "2024-10-25T15:38:51Z",
                    "deviceId": "59b0e8c2-87c4-4109-9b4c-bead14ed1f97",
                    "data": {
                        "format": "beacon",
                        "id": "DLN233301440",
                        "rssi": -46,
                        "value": "17.59"
                "analytics": {
                    "tenant": "f9339f76a7f1143dc30f587a46e09a6e",
                    "recordedTimestamp": "2024-10-25T15:39:37.618Z",
                    "resourceId": "db8597cd-6176-415c-bff4-90583a77f9a6",
                    "timestamp": "2024-10-25T15:38:51Z",
                    "meta": {
                        "data": {
                            "taskId": "3aabc8ea-00f1-4780-9256-817f024d0bd3",
                            "task_alarm": false,
                            "notes": "",
                            "assetIds": []
                    "coordinates": {
                        "global": {
                            "lat": 37.522003,
                            "lng": -121.953835
                "decode": {
                    "temperature": {
                        "sample": 17.59,
                        "deviation": 0.0,
                        "format": "celsius",
                        "taskId": "3aabc8ea-00f1-4780-9256-817f024d0bd3",
                        "alert": false
       Eventdata = [];
       totalRows = objTaskEventList.results.length;
    // Values Containing all relevant data for each record
     for (var j=0,idx=1;j<totalRows;j++,idx++) {
          var result = objTaskEventList.results[j];
          var Values = [
             idx,  // Sl.No
             result.event.timestamp, // Timestamp
             result.event.deviceId,   // Device ID
             result.decode.temperature.sample,  // Temperature (Sample)
             result.decode.temperature.alert    // Temperature (Alert)

SAP Process

  1. Refresh the SAP screen and click the Get Event Data push button to display the data in the Liquid UI table along with the total count.

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