Liquid UI - Documentation - 6.4.3 Changing URL Templates

6.4.3 Changing URL Templates

Important: You should only execute this section if the client number is different from '800' or the language is not English. Otherwise, skip this section and proceed to the Associating Users with Roles section of this document.

To change the URL template if the client number is not 800 or if the language is not English, please do the following.

  1. Log into the SAP ERP system as an administrator and go to the following location as shown below.
    Content Administration > Portal Content > GuiXT Fuzion
  2. In the Property Category dropdown menu, select 'Content - Generic Launcher'. The following window will display:

  3. Scroll down to the URL template section. The default entry will be as follows.
  4. Remove the following section.
  5. Replace the section you just removed with the following.
    '&SC_SSOCLINMU=[your client number]'
  6. Remove the following section.
  7. Replace the section you just removed with the following.
    '&SC_SSOLANG=[your language code]'
  8. Click Save. The URL template is now modified. Proceed to the Associating Users with Roles section.

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