Liquid UI - Documentation - 5.03.01 Editing an Existing SAP WebScript (*.sjs) in Designer

5.03.01 Editing an Existing SAP WebScript (*.sjs) in Designer

To edit an existing script, please do the following.

  1. Launch Designer and select Open from the File menu.
  2. The following dialog will appear. Navigate to your script folder and select the script file you want to open.

  3. Click Open.
  4. The script file will open in the editor as shown below.

  5. Once the script is open, you can begin to edit by entering your code directly in the editor window.

  6. When you are finished editing, click the Save icon shown below or choose the Save or Save As from the File menu.

  7. Script files will be saved in the location specified in your configuration file.
Note: Script files cannot be saved in the trial version of Designer. To save scripts, you must have a valid license both for GuiXT and for Designer.

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