- Products: Liquid UI WS, Liquid UI Server or Local DLL, Client Software
- Commands: onscreen, onUIEvents()
To demonstrate handling different types of popups based on their purpose using the Reebok object. Here, the popups have identical titles, screen names, and numbers, and it is difficult to extract a value and take an action based on it using a set().

Note: Use the new Reebok object to retrieve the value in the popup instead of set().
User Interface
//Create the file SAPMV45A.E0101.sjs within your scripts folder for customizing the Create Quotation: Initial Screen (VA21)
//Now, let's add the Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.
- Log into SAP and go to transaction Create Quotation: Initial Screen (VA21). Within the Quotation Type input field, choose any possible entry using Searchhelp (in this example, we will consider ZSI).
- Add the va21OnEnter function to handle the actions triggered by the Enter key.
// Function for handling actions triggered by ‘Enter’ key
onUIEvents['Enter'] = {"process":va21OnEnter};
function va21OnEnter(){
onscreen 'SAPMV45A.0101'
onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001'
set("F[Sold-to party]", "97001529");
// Create a label to loop back
onscreen 'SAPLGRWU_SEL.0120'
// wait for user input
goto POP_UPS;
onscreen 'SAPLV09C.0120'
// New Reebok used to determine what happens on Popup
rb = new Reebok([4,4]);
if( == "SH"){
// This popup pertains to the Shipping
// Wait for user input
goto POP_UPS;
// By pass this popup
goto POP_UPS;
goto POP_UPS;
onscreen 'SAPLV45C.0100'
goto POP_UPS;
onscreen 'SAPMSDYP.0010'
goto POP_UPS;
onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001'
SAP Process
- Refresh the screen, then click Enter. This will trigger the va21OnEnter() function to set the Sold-to Party value to 1000 and proceed to prompt the user to choose sales area data. Select the sales area data and click Continue.
- Then, the following popup will prompt for user input for the Shipping Party selection; however, subsequent pop-ups will be bypassed.
- Now, you will observe that the Ship-to party value will be auto-populated based on the Sold-to party value given in the script.